I read the book The Teaching Gap by James W.
Stigler. I enjoyed reading this book, for the most part, and would recommend it
to others to read. The Teaching Gap is a book that describes the
similarities and differences between the United States, Japan, and Germany's
school systems. Topics include the layout of the classroom, teaching
strategies, and professional development that each have. The book starts
by talking about a video study that was done to compare all three and uses the
results from the study to describe the major differences between them.
Chapters in the book are as follows:
The Teaching Gap
Methods for Studying Teaching in Germany, Japan, and
the United States
Images of Teaching
Refining the Images
Teaching is a System
Teaching is a Cultural Activity
Beyond Reform: Japan’s Approach to the Improvement of
Classroom Teaching
Setting the Stage for Continuous Improvement
The Steady Work of Improving Teaching
10. The
True Profession of Teaching
What I found so interesting about this book is that
while I was reading it, I found that a lot of the drawbacks the United States
schools show is what I have been learning how to improve on in my education
classes. When we compare the United States and Japan in this book, it looks as
if we are just spoon feeding our students the answers and hope they can repeat
a process we teach them. In Japan, students “struggle” a little before being
shown how to do something and can develop their own thinking behind the
I did enjoy this book. The only reason I say most
of the time is because there are clearly parts that are said to insult American
teachers and I wanted to through my book across the room. However, the
information is relevant and could be used today and I would recommend that
others, especially teachers, should read this book.