Sunday, September 17, 2017

Blog #3 EDT 370-02

10 people/organizations I chose to follow as below:

@mathhombre    This is a professor at GVSU. I have him as a professor now. He is always retweeting interesting math posts and is a great resource.

@ExploreMTBoS   This is a global math department on Twitter. It is free and provides amazing resources to teachers.

@Desmos  This is another great resource to teachers on Twitter and Facebook. Desmos has online math activities for teachers to use in their classroom. I have tried a few of them and the activities are fun.

@geogebra     Geogebra is another great website. You can follow them on Twitter or Facebook. Geogebra is a free math app that can be used for multiple things.

@dccmath     This is a former professor of mine. He is a math professor at GVSU and a great advisor

@ProfJonh  This is another of my math professors. He constantly shares math blogs that are useful.

@GetKahoot     Kahoot is an amazing website that allows teachers to create games to test students knowledge. 

@GVSUmath This is the Twitter for Grand Valley math department. This is a great way to connect with math teachers and get useful website the math department uses.

@MathJokes       This has a lot of math jokes and tricks on it. Sometimes you need to make students laugh in order to get their attention and sometimes you just need something to laugh at yourself

@AlgebraFact       This have higher level math facts for algebra.

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