Sunday, September 17, 2017

Blog #5 EDT 370-02

Using a blog is a great way to reflect on how your lesson went. It also allows other teachers a chance to read your experiences and use them in their own classroom. Having a blog can give other teachers a chance to also offer advise to each other to help improve lessons that may not have gone as planned. There is always room for improvement so sharing your own experiences with others can help you and other teachers grow as educators.

As a teacher, I'm not sure if I will make my students use a blog. I may use a blog to talk about my own personal experiences in the classroom. However, blogs are not private and I think students would prefer something a bit more private in regards to talking about their school experience. My personal reflections from class I think are great especially as a new teacher. I have used my blog before to reflect on my experience as a substitute teacher. I got a lot of supportive comments from other people and great suggestions on how to improve myself in the future.

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